More and More

Dear Fibro,

I know you’ve been keeping a tally of the snow days and that every time you look out the window at the heaps of snow piling up more and more, you just cringe. Me too.

Don’t worry, Darling; we can get through this together. I know it was difficult to go out and take that walk today, but I’m really glad we did it. It was really pretty and clear and the cold air felt so fresh. It was good to remember that sometimes we just can.

I wanted to leave you a few reminders today: stretch, chill out, allow yourself rest, do creative things, drink warm beverages . . . be kind to yourself. Spring will come eventually.

– Nicole

Gentle Hugs

Dear Fibro,

I know you’re not enjoying this cold, wet weather — eight inches of snow over the weekend and now more snow and ice. The chill gets right up against you and makes you feel prickly. I know.

I’m writing you this note because I’m trying to remember that I need to pay attention when things are like this — need to face you more carefully. You know that I tend to want to bully you into doing more than you’re able to do . . . and then (inevitably) regretting that I was so stubborn. I admit it’s not easy to care for you when there are things that “need to be done” — snow to shovel, work to do. But I’ll keep trying to do it a little better.

Even though I express frustration with you sometimes, I know that part of your behavior is dependent on my own choices.

Even though it’s cold, let’s take a little walk later — let’s try to forget about pain and tiredness and stresses for a bit and just be in the moment with the brisk air, blanketed lawns, glistening icicles. Or, if you’re not up for a walk, maybe we can just stand on the back patio and breathe?

Gentle Hugs for you today.
